If you suspect that someone you know and love has a problem with cocaine, then there are certain signs of cocaine addiction that are obvious. When you know what to look for, it can be easier to pinpoint the signs of cocaine addiction.
When a person is high on cocaine, their pupils will be dilated. They will seem overly aggressive, meaning that they may stand right in your personal space not giving you the room that you need and taking over your comfort zone. They will take incessantly, loudly and will over talk and interrupt anyone else who is trying to speak.
Once you are aware of the most obvious signs of cocaine addiction, you will wonder how you missed the signs before. A person who is high on cocaine may move their jaw around like they are grinding their teeth. It has been said that cocaine users seem to have an extremely high opinion of themselves and illusions of grandeur which is dubbed "cocainomania".
Prolonged use and more intense signs of cocaine addiction include the inability to sleep, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, weight loss and extreme headaches. A chronic cocaine user may also experience frequent nosebleeds. If a person uses cocaine often and in massive amounts, they may effectively disintegrate the cartilage in their nose.
You may notice that a chronic cocaine user is overly paranoid. They may say a lot of things that make very little sense and you will wonder if they are mentally ill. Hallucinations are not uncommon, and a chronic user can sink into a deep depression when they have no access to cocaine.
If you are concerned about what you feel are obvious signs of cocaine addiction, then you may try to confront the person. You should be aware that an addict will always deny that they have an addiction of a problem, and may even make you feel as though you are the one with the problem. There is no reason to buy into their treatment of you; it is simply one of an addict's best defenses against discovery.
If an addict denies that they are using cocaine or that they have an addiction, this is a common response. Any person who is a substance abuser will deny first of all that they use any drugs and second of all that they have a problem.
After long term abuse, some of the more dangerous signs of cocaine addiction can include issues with heart function. A person may experience irregular heartbeat and they leave themselves open to a heart attack or a stroke. The more that a person uses cocaine, the more it causes damage to the brain's neurons. After prolonged use, they will no longer be able to experience pleasure without using the drug.
An user will develop a tolerance to the effects of the drug and will require larger amounts of cocaine to achieve the same high that they initially did. This leads to an amplification of the physical effects on the body and increases the risk of heart failure substantially. A younger user can have the same heart issues as a senior citizen or a person who has advanced heart disease simply from using massive amounts of cocaine.
The chronic cocaine user can experience chest pain or may have a heart attack. Once the damage is done to the heart, it is irreversible, but the user will be completely unaware of the extent of the damage to their heart until it is too late.
As a person uses cocaine on a regular basis, they can become progressively more paranoid and unreasonable. You may notice that they break into a sweat just sitting in a room, for no apparent reason.
For a close partner or spouse of a cocaine user, the signs of cocaine addiction may not be obvious until they notice that valuable items are missing from around the home. After that, they may start to notice that their partner has stopped paying their bills. More obvious and alarming signs can be repossession of vehicles and foreclosure on the family home.
The closer you are to an addict, the harder it is to come to the realization that they have a problem that they cannot solve on their own. Denial is one of the worst symptoms of addiction, for both the user and those who are close to them.