  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • An Ecstasy overdose happens when you consume more Ecstasy than your body can safely handle. Ecstasy users are constantly flirting with drug overdose, and the difference between the high they're seeking and serious injury or death is often quite small.
  • Individuals who smoke cocaine appear to develop an addiction to the drug more rapidly that those who snort it.
  • Ecstasy can be taken orally as a capsule or tablet.
  • Amphetamine use is part of common urine analysis as part of a drug abuse testing program.
  • In low doses crystal meth heightens the senses, produces a high and makes the uses more alert.
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Caters to Pregnant/Postpartum Women

When pregnant/postpartum women need substance abuse rehabilitation there are a number of factors unique to their situation that must be addressed. This particular group of addicted persons faces not only the personal shame of their addiction but also the reality of what their unhealthy choices may have caused their children. Recovery for pregnant/postpartum women typically requires facilities that are both individualized and flexible in their recovery plan. While the length of stay may vary depending on the woman's particular needs it is recognized that the longer a person participates in treatment the better their chance of a successful recovery. Many rehab facilities for pregnant/postpartum women can run long-term for six months or more.

Caters to Pregnant and Postpartum Women category listings in Oregon, Ohio: